Hopkins Build Ref 526
General Information
HMS Ref: 526 Used Mobile Hospitality or workshop unit.
Refurbished in 2017 to the previous owners requirements.
Pods: Twin slide out pod mobile hospitality unit.
Internal Floors: Automatic levelling floor to form a complete internal flat floor.
Step platform: Manual slide out step platform with removable steps and handrails.
Hydraulic levelling legs: Yes, 4x independent
Generator: 27Kva silent diesel.
Compressor: No.
Lift: Side door wheel chair or tyre/trolley lift.
Wheels/tyres: Nearly New.
Spare wheel: Yes new.
Internal: 3x roof mounted A/c units, power and lighting throughout.
Floor: Grey circular dot. (note various air fittings protrude through the floor).
The above units is sold in a used condition c/w 12 months mot.
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+44 11 79 509294
Hopkins Motorsport Ltd
Sampson Business Park
BS10 7RS